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Special Scheduling Requests

The KMSL Scheduler has a HUGE job....

Once KMSL publishes the season's game schedule it is nearly impossible to make a change.  
Therefore, please be proactive in looking at dates where you may not have an adequate amount of players or a coach available and submit them here. 

Possible Future Link:
Special Scheduling Request
*This will go directly to the KMSL Scheduler*

For other inquires, use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page. 

Slinger Soccer Club Dates

Slinger Soccer Dates 

Coach Meeting for Fall: 3rd Saturday in August
Fall Practices Can Begin: 3rd Sunday or After in August
Fall Games Begin: 2nd Saturday in September
Fall Games End: Last Saturday in October

Coach Meeting for Spring: 3rd Saturday in March
Spring Practices Can Begin: March 15th
Do not use Polk Fields until the club has sent notification that they are open
Spring Games Begin: 2nd Saturday in April
Picture Day: 3rd Saturday in April
Spring Games End: The Weekend Before Memorial Day Weekend
(Some away games may be the week after)* Need to verify this information

Slinger School Dates

Dates to Consider:
Participation in a Non-KMSL Tournament
Religious Events for certain ages/grade levels (confirmation weekend)

Slinger School District Dates of Interest: 
The bulk of our players and families are enrolled in the Slinger School District.
These are dates/events that COULD affect your team's attendance for practices and/or weeknight games. 
When establishing your practice schedule for the season, please keep these dates in mind and communicate with your players and families. 

October:  No School/Long Weekend

March/April: Easter Weekend, Spring Breaks

Homecoming Parade:  Friday, October 6th, 2023
Addison Elementary: 
3rd Graders often have a Halloween Concert at 6pm on the last Thursday in October
5th Graders often have a Musical Performance at 6pm on the 2nd Thursday in May

Slinger Elementary:

Allenton Elementary:

Slinger Middle School:
Band Concerts (Ask your players who this may affect)
Choir Concerts (Ask your players who this may affect)

School Athletics: 

Contact Us

Slinger Soccer Club is managed and sustained solely by the efforts of our community and parent volunteers.
A Board Member will forward your message to the volunteer that will be able to best answer your question.
We encourage potential club members as well as current participants to use this form to submit their question.

Click Here To


Slinger Soccer Club
PO Box 25 
Slinger, Wisconsin 53086

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