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This Seasons Practice Field Schedule

Practice Schedule

This document is the starting point for the season -
weekday games, player availability and weather affect things week to week. 
For up-to-date schedules, see the google calendar below. 

Are The Fields Open? When Are We Practicing?

Adjusted Practice Schedule
Weeknight Games (Teams Moved to Alternative Locations or Removed for Away Games)
Cancelled Practices (Field Space Available)
Extra Practices (Field Space Booked)

Are the Fields Open?

Mother Nature forces us to close the fields periodically to protect the grass - 
Check below to see if the fields are Open or Closed. 

*Click the +GoogleCalendar in the lower left corner of the calendar above to add it your personal account

Adding Practices To Your GameChanger App

When adding practices to your schedule, please add them directly via the GameChanger App.  Do NOT add them via the Team Directory**.

Instructions for Adding Practices to Your GameChanger Schedule (Link Coming Soon)

**We did some testing and adding them via the Team Directory pushes them out to different spots in the system causing some conflicts.
If you want to know more about this, please reach out.

Practice Cancellation, Addition, Reschedule (For Team Staff)

Looking for open field space to practice? Cancelling a practice?

Practice Cancellation/Reschedule Form

Please complete this form if:

You are canceling a practice more than 24 hours ahead
-After you complete the form, we will update the Practice Field Calendar to allow others to reserve that space.

If you are looking to add/reschedule a practice
-Check the calendar for an open time/field that works for you
-Complete the form
-We will update the calendar so others know that field has been reserved.
-We will send you a message confirming that the field has been reserved for your team.

This calendar is meant to be a tool and it will only work if this information is accurate.  Your cooperation is appreciated. 

*We do not need to know if you are cancelling a few hours before due to bad weather, etc - other teams are probably doing the same thing and are not looking to add on short notice. 
Contact our Practice Field Coordinator at  [email protected] with any other inquiries

How Often Should Your Team Be Practicing

See the KMSL PRACTICE GUIDELINES from the KMSL Handbook 03/2022 below

  • U05, U06

45 min to 1 hour, One night per week

  • U07, U08

1 hour, One night per week

  • U09

1 hour, One night per week

Many start moving to 1.5 hours, One night per week -or- 1 hour, Two nights per week 

  • U10

1.5 hours, One night per week

Many start moving to 1 hour to 1.5 hours, Two night per week

  • U12 

1 hour to 1.5 hours, Two nights per week

  • U14

1.5 hours, Two nights per week


How are Practice Days, Times, and Frequencies Established?

Practice Days, Times and Frequencies are Determined by the Head Coaches with the input of the Assistant Coaches. 
Coaches: When we reach out asking for your practice preferences, the sooner you can provide the necessary information, the better.

Fall Practice Schedules:

Our goal is to have fields and times settled before the Fall Coach Meeting. 
We will use the previous season's schedule as our starting point. 

Adjustments may need to be made to accommodate changes in Coach availability. 

Adjustments will need to be made to accommodate field size changes when teams move from:
U8 to U9
U10 to U12
U12 to U14

Our flexibility with start times and practice duration will depend on the number of teams each Division - this fluctuates each year.
Coaches may adjust their practice end times over the duration of the season as we lose daylight.

Spring Practices:

For the most part, the schedule established for the Fall Season will roll as-is for the Spring Season.  

Adjustments may need to be made to accommodate Spring-Only teams

Adjustments may need to be made to accommodate changes in Coach availability. 

As you can imagine, scheduling is a challenge and we do our best to accommodate work schedules, multi-coach schedules, coaches with players on other teams, etc.  We greatly appreciate coaches being flexible and understanding of these challenges.

**We have asked and encouraged teams to select 5-6 or 6-7 as practice times to allow more team space to practice.  

The shuffle may be different with each season. - As an example, U6, U7 and U8 teams utilize the same eight practice fields. 
We ended the 21-22 Season with 33 U6/7/8 teams.  We begin the 22-23 season with 28 U6/7/8 teams.

*Teams that have no one in the time slot before them or after them *can* choose to shift their practice times.
*If you do this, please know that we may ask you to shift back in spring or next fall when new schedules are created so it may be best to leave it as-is.

We need to know if any changes are made in order to make this be a useful tool.

KMSL Practice Guidelines (from the KMSL Handbook 03/2022)

Practices will be held weekly, with the location determined by the individual clubs or coaches. 

When Do Practices Begin:
Teams are allowed to begin practices no sooner than March 15th for the spring season and August 15th for the fall season. 

Pre-Season Practice: 
Four hours of practice per week is permitted during the weeks preceding the first scheduled game. 

Number of Practices:

Each team is required to hold one practice session per week and is not permitted, under any circumstances, to hold more than three hours of practice per week during the season. 

What Counts As Practice: 
A practice game or scrimmage is considered a practice session. 

How is Our Practice Day and Time Determined:

Practice schedules are determined by the coaches.  The number and length of practices will vary from team to team based on a number of factors such as: the availability of the coaching staff, the age level, and preseason vs. regular season.

Players can work on many individual skills between team practices.   

Please see that your child understands their responsibility as a team member and attends the practices as well as games, and notifies the team coach in advance when they cannot be in attendance. 

A player who consistently attends and effectively participates in practice will play at least half of the game. 

Contact Us

Slinger Soccer Club is managed and sustained solely by the efforts of our community and parent volunteers.
A Board Member will forward your message to the volunteer that will be able to best answer your question.
We encourage potential club members as well as current participants to use this form to submit their question.



Slinger Soccer Club
PO Box 25 
Slinger, Wisconsin 53086

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